Thursday, November 15, 2007


It's amazing how when you're gone for awhile you crave your usual routine and regular life. Well, now I think I need a vacation again! On monday night I scrapbooked with Crystal and got to hold her sweet new baby. Then I've been working everyday since and so is Eric. They are enforcing overtime so he's working six days in a row and appr 60 hours. His next check will be nice but it's hard putting the kids to bed, baths, homework, laundry, etc all by myself. It's not all bad though, I got employee of the month! It only took six years but hey, better late than never. I've also been getting really into Stephanie Meyer's series and will finish the third book tonight. (thanks Crystal) If anyone is looking for an easy read and really good book check it out. Her first one is called Twilight and is excellent. Well, I guess I better put kids to bed. Here is another picture from Hawaii and one of the boys. Don't they look alike?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back to Life

Here are just some fun pics of the kids. Today was a challenge! The kids were horrible in sacrament meeting and we ended up being out in the hall most of the time. Easton is finally going to nursery and it is such a blessing. The kids have been a little more sensitive since we came home and I think they got spoiled from the "grandma's" Eric and I looked at each other today and wished we were back in Hawaii. Someday. Back to reality.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hawaii, Maui

Our trip to Maui was heavenly! Eric had to work halloween night so after the kids were done he went back to work. My mom came over and I got up at 2:30am. I went and picked Eric up from work and we headed to the airport. We slept the whole way to Oakland and even on the airport floor. The flight to Maui was almost five hours and it was cramped. We got to watch "Spiderman 3" but I wasn't that impressed. As soon as we got to our hotel we crashed and slept until the next morning. Our hotel wasn't anything fancy but clean and great views. We had a great room that overlooked the main area with pool that was right on the ocean. We did a lot of driving around the island and saw lots of cool stuff. We had bought a book that described everything to do. We went on a few hikes and saw these really cool pools that were made from lava. You could swim in them and see all sorts of fish, crab, etc. We went to Lahaina which is where all the cruise ships stop. It was fun and had lots of shops and historic sights. We ate at a restaurant called "cheeseburger in paradise" and that is exactly what it was. It was right on the ocean and you could just sit and feel the awesome breeze. No kids and nothing to hurry us. We walked along the beach at sunset and just relaxed. I was kind of surprised that we ended up only spending one day on the beach. We tried to find a really cool place to snorkel but you have to just wander through a huge lava field with no trail and wing it. I didn't like snorkeling which also surprised me. Our last full day there we were going on a all day snorkel trip to a little crater in the ocean that has awesome snorkeling with turtles then you head to another island and see dolpins. Well, it ended up getting cancelled due to swells. We could of rescheduled except we left the next day. We were ready to go home even though it was a nice break. we missed the kids so much and I swear they grew and inch in a week. They loved having grandma's and aunt Niki come. We are so thankful to them. Well, back to reality, work, cleaning, laundry, cleaning, paperwork, cleaning, etc.


This halloween I actually planned ahead! Tyler wanted to be "black venom" and we got his costume back in September. Kylie was snow white and I got her the gloves and purse in disneyland. Easton was a spider and I borrowed it from my friend. Love Old Navy! Kenadie was our hardest one. She didn't want to be a princess and couldn't make up her mind. I kept asking her what she wanted to be but I knew she wouldn't wear anything frilly. So on the day of we found one of Tyler's old prirate costumes and she looked so cute! I wasn't feeling so well on halloween night (again, I know) so Eric took them trick or treating while I handed out candy. I was surprised that we only got about 10 groups. I hope that when our subdivision is finished being built we will have more people. The kids got lots of candy from grandma and still have plenty.