Eric also found out that he will be moving to a new shift within the next couple of months. He will still work evenings but Sunday through Tuesday and every other Wednesday. This is nice so we can do things on Friday and Saturday night and he can go to early church on Sunday. This will work out great when I go to Scrapaway so I won't need a sitter.
I finally got my pedestals for my washer and dryer. They only add 10 inches but what a difference! It helps save my back.
Oh my dear Kylie. She has always been a very touchy child. As a baby she was the only one who I would stay up until 2 or 3am holding,rocking her. She is only four and already I've had to talk with her about not kissing boys. Tyler's friend Brackton came over to play and when I went downstairs this is what I saw. She had a blanket over both of them and her hand on his leg. Thank goodness he was clueless.
I usually love it when my kids become more independant. But, as mother's know, sometimes this create's more mess. Kenadie came downstairs and proudly told me that she got herself carrots and dip. This is what I found when I went upstairs.
What a funny boy. He loves his boots and especially his bottle. I know I need to get him off of it soon-he'll be two in April! His thing lately is to say "show" and he wants to watch Scooby or Nightmare before Christmas.
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