I used to just dread when he was gone, now I just want alone time
His "quirks" used to be so cute but now they are just annoying
We have better communication now
We aren't dirt poor and live in a trailer
We drive vehicle's that have ac, power doors, etc
I can actually cook some meals now
I'm more plump and he actually has body/facial hair
I crave cleanliness, especially since having kids
and, I definitely love Eric more now since seeing him as a dad
He is my best friend, my partner, someone who makes me laugh, cry sometimes, someone who "gets" me, my perverted sense of humor, he balances me out and encourages me to do things for myself.
We were in town yesterday and bought Easton a train. When we got home I took out our train set and for about an hour all I heard was, "mom. Train. Mom. Train track. Mom. Choo-choo. Mom. Train." He was so cute and even had to take some into bed with him last night. I love that little boy.