I missed having Eric home but it really wasn't that different without him since he's been working so much lately.(and sleeping) Eric and I worked in the yard almost all Saturday and I finally planted in my boxes in our park strip. The only thing left is an area in the backyard where we are attempting to put in a waterfall. We will see how it goes. Tyler only has one more football game this Saturday! Thank goodness! I won't get much relief since basketball starts this week. I am very glad that it isn't near as competitive. I asked Tyler if he was happy or sad that football is almost over. He replied, "I wish I could play football all year round." Thank goodness it doesn't!
This is my third week of working out at 5am with some neighbor friends. I am surprised at how much I enjoy it and how far I've come in a short time. Last week I had to miss a day due to Eric being gone. By 10 am I was having such anxiety about not working out that I ended up hopping on our treadmill. It definitely isn't the same since I had to get off once to wipe Kenadie's butt, talk on the phone (thanks to Kenadie answering it and bringing it to me) about a patient, and keep yelling at Easton for getting too close to the treadmill. It is just so much easier to get up and work out without any distractions.
I am very excited about this week since I have scrapaway! It will be very crazy until I leave. Tyler has basketball practice, football practice everyday, and a game on Saturday. Kenadie has preschool on Tuesday and Thursday and has the snack bucket, Kylie has Kindergarten everyday and I need to finish buying her dance stuff, the girls and I all have to go to the dentist tomorrow, and I have to work, get a haircut, pedicure, finish getting my photo's uploaded, do laundry, get all my scrapbook stuff together, and pack. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it. Well, off I go!