Thursday, February 21, 2008

complaints, complaints

It is just one of those days. I just feel the need to vent. Eric came home from break last night with a fever of 101. He ended up calling in but I fell asleep before he did. I woke up at 3am, surprised that Eric was in bed with me but he was on fire! I fell back asleep, then at 4 Kenadie just started screaming that there was a spider on her. I turned on the lights and she said, "it ran under the bed." Then I realized it was a bad dream so I just put her in our bed. About 30min later Kylie decided to join us. So there was Eric, me, Kylie, Kenadie, and a large dog all in a queen size bed. Several times after that I tried to get comfortable and even went to the end of the bed but nothing worked. Then began getting kids ready for school and for the day. I was doing pretty good until Eric went to work. Since he had called in sick for part of his shift they told him he needed to make it up later in the week. The problem is that he has to work 12 hour shifts for the rest of the week and then he has mandatory overtime next week. Fun for me. I decided to try and make a good meal for dinner. After I already had the hamburger on the stove and water boiling I realized I didn't have enough lasagna noodles. So we had to run to the store. Now I'm getting a little annoyed. As soon as we get back the neighbor boy came to play with Tyler. That's fine, he's like one of my own. But, he had been over the previous three nights. So I made them go to his house and play. I just couldn't handle wild boys tonight. I then fed my kids dinner and big surprise, they wouldn't eat it. For some reason, I'm the only person in my house that likes lasagna. So I ran to the store, spent awhile making dinner, and now I have a whole casserole dish of it. I felt really gross for some reason and jumped in the shower. I usually don't shower when my kids are awake but I thought it might help me feel better. (plus the hair on my legs is an inch long) Well, I was about two minutes into my shower and the door starts opening. "kenny hit me", "Where is the orange soda?" "when are you going to be done?", "what are you doing?", oh boy. Then I try to get dressed in my closet and the girls thought it was so funny to try and see me naked. Brave souls. Anyway, so it's not even seven yet and my kids are in pj's and I'm exhausted. I did so good yesterday. I cleaned the whole house, cleaned some blinds, did about six loads of laundry, worked for a little bit, put some leather stuff on my couches, paid bills, washed some windows, etc, etc. And today the whole house is messy again. So what's a girl to do when she's sick of life? Scrapbook. It always helps calm me. Hopefully after the kids are in bed, if I don't pass out. Sorry about all the whining but I hope it helps my mental state!


Lance and Mandy said...

I am not so sure about Eric's new costume all though it looked like you enjoyed it! I love all of the fun pics and I love your tag! Nice job! See you women, on Monday

Larry and Michelle Dickinson said...

Ahh! I think I would commit murder. Somedays you just have to lock yourself in your room and plug your ears for a couple minutes!

Lance and Mandy said...

Crystal wrote the above comment to you under Lance and Mandy but it is really me now. She must have been logged in under my name. Sounds like one of those fun days us mothers get to enjoy quite frequently. You gals have fun scrapbookin' tomorrow. Mandy