Monday, January 19, 2009

Crazy Times

This is what I woke up to this morning.....

To say the least it was a difficult morning. I woke up coughing, feeling like my head was going to explode, kids home from school and bored, no caffeine in the house, a long list of things to do, and a messy house to clean. After I started picking up things I realized the girls had been quiet for some time....I found them in Easton's room with open suitcases and "packing." ALL of Kenadie's clothes everywhere and you couldn't even see the carpet. After some yelling, cleaning, a trip to the gas station for a drink,and some medication...I am feeling much better. There is still a long list of things to do before we leave. The kids are so excited they can hardly wait. I asked Kylie yesterday who she wanted to see the most at Disney World. Her reply: Hannah Montanna. I told her I didn't know if we would see her so she thought a princess would be OK. I'm probably the most nervous for the airplane ride and how the kids will hold up. Once we get there I'm sure it will all be worth it. Well, off to do more things on my list before I go to work!

1 comment:

Stacey Crandall said...

Love the diaper dews!!! I am not jealous of your morning. I hope you did not get sick from me. I had it all weekend. I am very very very jealous of your upcoming vacation however. I hope you all have so much fun, and great weather, and good health while you are gone. I hope its great!!! When we took the boys on the plane we did the benedryl thing. I know it sounds awful but we just gave them a normal dose.. they were not out the whole time by any means but maybe a little sleepy, I think it helped their ears also?? anyway, good luck.. we will miss you... have fun.